Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Why don't those things have brakes?!?!

Well, Suttie is officially sleeping in his room now, and I must say with a certain amount of pride that I did not sleep in there with him - not even the first night. Yes, Suttie loves his new long as he's unaware that he's in it. But when his well-rested eyes hit that paisley bumper, you better be close by because he's just realized he's behind bars and he ain't happy. It's also amazing how quickly children are to grab the things that can be most dangerous to them in any given situation. On the first night that we laid him in his crib, I forgot to take away a fleece baby blanket that was hanging over the edge of the railing. After only a few minutes of watching him on the baby monitor, we saw him reach over and grab the blanket so that it fell over his head and face. A few moments later, I was in the backyard burning said blanket.

He's also quickly becoming a walker savant, which is exciting but also quite troublesome. As he barrels around our house, he has no regard for any of the expensive furniture that his father and I (okay, who are we kidding)...that his father worked so hard to pay for. One time, I thought I saw him take several steps backward so that he would be able to gain more force before ramming our dresser. In the happy, golden days of three weeks ago, I could put him in the walker, and he would move a couple of feet in about an hour. But these days, as soon as his weight hits that groaning nylon seat, he's chasing after me as fast as those chubby little legs will carry him. Now, for those of you who know me well, you know that, to me, being chased is nothing short of terrifying. So, here I am running and screaming, tripping past the couch and the coffee table, with Suttie hot on my heels, squealing with delight. It's become a part of our morning routine, and after about 30 minutes, with several years robbed from my life, we both need a nap. Then, after a hearty helping of mashed carrots and peas, we're back in the chase...Mommy clutching her chest in fatigue and agony, and Suttie, maneuvering those 22 lbs. as if they were only 21, roaring with a kind of laughter that can only be described as maniacal.

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